Tuesday, March 11, 2014

small change of plans

Well, my body does not like 400mg of Gleevec. I had my weekly appointment today and my hematocrit had climbed up two points to 33, but my neutrophils came back at a big, fat zero. That meant nothing to me, but it was explained that neutrophils are the first line of defense when it comes to fighting infection in the body. And I have zero.

We are stopping Gleevec for three days and I will go back for blood work and a consult with the pharmacist on Friday. I will probably go down to a 200mg dose at that point. The idea of 200mg makes me very happy actually. Ever since I started the 400mg, I have been feeling really puny. She talked about upping my dose last week to 600mg and it made me want to vomit.

That's where we're at. She felt my abdomen today and doesn't feel significant shrinkage, but I can tell that it's getting smaller just because I'm able to eat a little more each day without feeling full immediately. Holly is here and making me lots of delicious, high in protein foods and filling my freezer with good things. We're also watching a lot of Veronica Mars.

the view from the clinic

I'll be staying confined to home the next few days to stay away from germs and praying for no fever. Fever would be bad. Fever would mean a trip to the stupid emergency room and I have no desire to return there. So no germs, no fever, lots of neutrophils - that's what we are praying for this week.


  1. Also praying for no fever…and seriously thinking about wearing a face mask on the plane tomorrow.

  2. Oh man! I hope taking a break then lowering the dose will help. Praying for you!
    Oh, BTW, I looked into doing a direct/dedicated blood donation since Stephen is O- (I'm O+ but would have donated anyway). Apparently no one does that anymore b/c it's considered an incentive to donate blood...and they only want strict voluntary donations. So anyway, I tried. I could come directly to Seattle and donate blood and help you out. But bringing along a 10 month old baby and my O+ blood wouldn't really do you much good. I'll keep praying for you.

  3. Zero neutrophils?! That's rough. Praying for you. Hope those who visit use hand sanitizer. Let us know when your counts come up again and it's safe to visit and I will bring you a real visiting teaching message this time.
