Tuesday, March 25, 2014

CT scan results

The results are in. . .

The green line is measuring the tumor. You can see my stomach at the top right just below my heart.

So the news is this - the mass is much smaller. Here are the measurements:

2/10 - 15.3x12.3x19.3 cm
3/24 - 14.6x10.5x7.6 cm

Basically a lot of the hematoma has reabsorbed and now we have the tumor leftover. The oncologist feels like we are moving in the right direction and is pleased with the results. In actuality I haven't really been on the chemo medicine for very long so they weren't expecting drastic reduction in this short amount of time. I will have another scan in two months. 

The doctor gave me permission to resume normal life without a chaperone. She sees a thickening of the tumor wall and feels like I'm out of danger for rupture. She did say today, "we're not within one cell of rupture anymore". Uh, ok. I knew it was a scary situation, but ONE CELL. Six weeks ago those doctors were freaked out and did a good job of scaring us too.

A massive THANK YOU! to everyone for visiting and caretaking and praying and every other possible thing. I can't thank you enough. 

FREEDOM is mine. I'm going to go drive my car now. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Another week down.

At my appointment on Tuesday, my neutrophils had rebounded and back on the medicine I went. I'm taking a half dose (200mg) and so far so good. I am feeling a LOT better, but I also don't think the drug is fully back in my system yet. Another week will give me a better idea of how I'll feel long term.

Shelly left on Wednesday morning and Kim is in town now. We'll be visiting the cherry blossoms this afternoon after work. The weather is really showing off with blue skies today.

These are the blossoms last Saturday when Shelly was here. They are in full bloom now.

My six week scan is on Monday. The BIG day. I won't get results until Tuesday, but I have high hopes that a lot of the blood has reabsorbed and the tumor/hematoma is much smaller. I'm also hoping for a thicker edge so that I am at a lower risk for rupture and can kind of get back to a more normal life and schedule.

Have a great weekend! Spring is here!

Friday, March 14, 2014

no change

Still no neutrophils, still no chemo meds.

I get a drug free weekend which is kind of awesome for my mental state, but obviously not awesome for the tumor.

Oh well, we do what we have to do. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

small change of plans

Well, my body does not like 400mg of Gleevec. I had my weekly appointment today and my hematocrit had climbed up two points to 33, but my neutrophils came back at a big, fat zero. That meant nothing to me, but it was explained that neutrophils are the first line of defense when it comes to fighting infection in the body. And I have zero.

We are stopping Gleevec for three days and I will go back for blood work and a consult with the pharmacist on Friday. I will probably go down to a 200mg dose at that point. The idea of 200mg makes me very happy actually. Ever since I started the 400mg, I have been feeling really puny. She talked about upping my dose last week to 600mg and it made me want to vomit.

That's where we're at. She felt my abdomen today and doesn't feel significant shrinkage, but I can tell that it's getting smaller just because I'm able to eat a little more each day without feeling full immediately. Holly is here and making me lots of delicious, high in protein foods and filling my freezer with good things. We're also watching a lot of Veronica Mars.

the view from the clinic

I'll be staying confined to home the next few days to stay away from germs and praying for no fever. Fever would be bad. Fever would mean a trip to the stupid emergency room and I have no desire to return there. So no germs, no fever, lots of neutrophils - that's what we are praying for this week.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

this week

Ginger has come and gone and now Nancy is in town. We picked her up last night and today she's off running errands for me while I sit uncomfortably at work. Did you know work is kind of the safest place for me to be? I'm at the hospital so if something happened (rupture) I'd be right here for quick response. Even though sitting at my desk is uncomfortable and exhausting, I have to stay up on my work and not get fired, ya know? (They'll never fire me.)

I got my mail order chemo medicine on Saturday and in the end only missed out on 600mg. I survived. At my appointment on Tuesday, my hematocrit had dropped five points to 31 (36-45 is normal). The doctor thinks it is from a combination of things, but mostly because I'm finally at the peak dose of medication. It can cause low blood counts. She offered a transfusion, but we decided to give it a week and see if it continued to sink or if it will level out. It will tell us if it is the medicine or if I'm bleeding again. For me, it mostly means a higher heart rate and being slightly more tired.

I did figure out that I was nauseated all last week and I just didn't realize it. In my head, nauseated was the feeling just before you throw up when your mouth gets that weird taste. Not so. If you can't bring yourself to put a spoon of food in your mouth - nauseated. Now that I know this, I've been taking the Zofran and Compazine and feeling a TON better.

This is so boring, but I thought you might want an update.

My typical day:

8:30am - wake up
9:30am - take chemo drug
10:00am - work
2:00pm-3:00pm - home, nap, etc
evening - lie on the couch with visitors stopping in

Really not that different, but I get to work less ;) I even made pancakes on Tuesday for Pancake (Fat) Tuesday and had three friends over.

I also cried myself to sleep on Friday. Things aren't all sunshine and happiness 'round these parts.