Friday, March 21, 2014


Another week down.

At my appointment on Tuesday, my neutrophils had rebounded and back on the medicine I went. I'm taking a half dose (200mg) and so far so good. I am feeling a LOT better, but I also don't think the drug is fully back in my system yet. Another week will give me a better idea of how I'll feel long term.

Shelly left on Wednesday morning and Kim is in town now. We'll be visiting the cherry blossoms this afternoon after work. The weather is really showing off with blue skies today.

These are the blossoms last Saturday when Shelly was here. They are in full bloom now.

My six week scan is on Monday. The BIG day. I won't get results until Tuesday, but I have high hopes that a lot of the blood has reabsorbed and the tumor/hematoma is much smaller. I'm also hoping for a thicker edge so that I am at a lower risk for rupture and can kind of get back to a more normal life and schedule.

Have a great weekend! Spring is here!


  1. Anxious for your scan! I'll be crossing my fingers! Wish I were there to see you and the amazing blossoms. Seems like it should be on my bucket list or something - so beautiful.

  2. Hoping and praying for good results on Tuesday. Love you.

  3. Enjoy your weekend with Kim! Prayers for good scan!!!

  4. Praying for you tomorrow and hoping for good news on Tuesday. Thinking of you often. Would have given anything to have you and Em with me in NYC last week. The flower markets were CRAZY! Miss you, love you and pray for you.

  5. Sending every good thought and prayer your way. Staying positive for good scan results!!! Enjoy the blossoms.
